Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Perfect World In My Eyes

A utopian society in the dictionary is described as something that’s idealistic, a state in which everything is perfect, or a model society.

My definition of a utopian society is a society where everyone is kind to one another and each citizen respects the individuality of another person.

Being kind to someone isn’t really a hard thing to do so it really shocks me that a lot of people still have a hard time doing it. In the utopian society I envision everyone is used to being kind to one another. Being kind in this society is not out of the norm but is still valued.

With people being kind to one another, I think the place will be nice too, because then the government will be kinder to the public. They won’t be thinking of stealing because they will feel bad for the masses.

I’m already trying to do the first part by actively joining the One Random Act of Kindness a Day movement. The name speaks for itself, it is doing one act of kindness a day to anyone. Whether that be a stranger or someone you know, you have to perform an act of kindness.

I think, respecting one’s individuality goes hand in hand with being kind to someone. In this society, everyone is different and has the confidence to show who they really are because then the fear that someone is going to judge them is eliminated.

Although, with the rate our world is going now, I know that this utopian society is kind of an impossible thing to happen. But I really hope that one day my ideal kind society that I’m dreaming of will someday come true.

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