Thursday, August 21, 2014


I’m currently on the last leg of my first term in college and everything is just dandy.

This week/weekend feels like portfolio week. Catching up with final projects (outputs) and answering finals (Quarterly Test) and it feels good knowing that I got through this term.

There have been some ups and downs but I would consider this entire term a success.

I had fun, made lots of new friends plus, I got to really enjoy my course right away.

Pitch week is approaching and I’m going to do my very first pitch and I’m so ecstatic about it! I have no idea if I should feel nervous but I am so excited.

 Pitch day would be crazy. I mean, I have two final exams to take then I have a pitch on that day. So much things are going to happen but I’m super excited for that day.

College has been amazing for me. I would say I love learning or studying. I mean, enjoy school. Maybe not the waking-early-part or the fact that I’ve turned into a grandma (I feel really sleepy early in the night) but I am always excited to go to school.

I’m looking forward to start next term because I would have a class elective that’s related to music production and film scoring and I can’t wait to get started. WOOO.

 BUT FIRST, I need to pass this term with flying colors. <3

 Anyway, good luck with your college lives, readers. ☺

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